Happy New Year!!
There is so much talk about ‘New Year Resolutions’, which is something that I don’t really believe in. Resolutions normally require giving something up or making such drastic changes that they are never sustainable. Personally I think it should all be about ‘Taking Up’. Taking Up something in your life that is going to bring a positive result and that is easy to stick too. That’s what this Blog is about…….taking up a few simple things that will help lead to Glowing Skin from the inside out.
I have ‘Taken Up’ quite a few things over the years, and have managed to stick to them. All the things make me feel better on the inside & out and I have turned them into habits. Taking up one/two (these may not be thing I do but something that takes your fancy) things in 2016, that will help you feel better and result in Glowing Skin will be such an accomplishment. Below are a few things that I do, plus a few things that I’m trying to do!! They are all very simple, easy and can become part of your daily routine:
• 100 Top Dips
Anyone who does Pilates with me will know how much I love these!! The only day I didn’t do 100 was on the day I gave birth….bizarrely I didn’t feel up to them!! I was back doing them almost as soon as I gave birth. Strangely, I found doing them when Fenwick was poorly in hospital very comforting, positive and like meditation.
Toe dips are a Pilates exercise that fire up the stomach muscles, help stabilise the Core, Pelvis, Spine & Shoulder girdle. It also helps to boost digestion and keep the gut working properly. Perfect to do upon waking. Strong Core muscles are vital to everyone but a healthy gut is the start of good skin. Toe dips or an equivalent Core exercise every morning is so beneficial. Even if you were to take up doing some simple stretches, within a week you will feel the difference. Please ask when you’re next in and I will always help.
• Handful of Nuts & Seeds
Every single day, including brazil nuts, almonds, sunflower & pumpkin seeds. Please read back over my last Blog on the ‘The Benefits of Eating Fats’ to get the full explanation! However, just note that good fats in the diet will result in soft, calm, plump and glowing skin. Within 2 months of eating these everyday my skin changed and my hair became so much thicker.
• Chia Seeds
For almost 8 years I have included 2 tbsp of Chia Seeds every day in my diet. I will do an entire Blog on these sensational little black seeds. I couldn’t be without them, not only are they one of the highest sources of Omega-3 around, they also contain high levels of iron and fibre. Meaning, they help the smooth running of the gut and digestive system but they also help soften, plump and smooth the skin.
I order these in 2kg bags from: www.infinityfoodwholesale.co.uk
• Glass of Warm Water with Lemon
This is something I am trying really hard at achieving. I was great at drinking warm water (with or without lemon) between Christmas and New Year, because I felt it cleansing and medicinal with all the rich foods. Now into 2016, I am aiming to drink a large warm glass with fresh lemon everyday. It really is a ‘Magic Drink’!! It cleanses the liver, detoxes the digestive system, packed fully of Vit C to help boost collagen and smooth fine lines, and reduces inflammation in the joints and its antibacterial. Skin Glow in a glass!!
• Almond Butter
I have between 1½/2 tbsp a day ( I have actually been monitoring!!) . As well as the incredible skin glowing properties of almonds, it also helps to balance blood sugar levels, reduce sugar craving and lower blood pressure. PERFECT!
• Green Smoothie
Huge fan of my Nutribullet, it is the most used appliance in the kitchen. I will try to have a green smoothie every single day, to increase my dose of vegetables, blueberries, nuts and seeds. I may have one for breakfast if I’m in a rush, for a quick simple lunch or as a snack. Here’s what I normal put in:
– Handful of Spinach
– Handful of Kale
– Handful of frozen blueberries
– 2 tbsp of Oats
– 2 tbsp of Chia Seeds ( only if I haven’t had them in my morning porridge)
– Handful of Nuts (only if I haven’t already had them as a snack)
– 1 Tsp of cocoa powder (lowers blood pressure, stabilises blood sugar and tastes incredible)
– 1 banana (if it’s for breakfast or if I am working late and need extra energy)
– Almond milk
This is a real skin and immune boosting smoothie.
• Going outside for 5-10 minutes Everyday
Whatever the weather I will aim to get outside for at least 10 minutes (ideally 30mins). Just being outside really does make you feel better. As well as a vitamin D surge, it also boosts the circulation (great for the detoxing of the lymph for the skin), stimulates the bowels/digestion and lifts the mood.
• Double Cleanse with a Cleansing Balm
Every evening I do this, it’s like a mini facial. This will help maintain the oil levels of the skin and latterly make it glow! I do a full ‘Self Facial’ every week….ideally people would have a Facial 4-6 weeks, nothing transforms the skin like a proper facial.
• Facial Oil Every Evening
I have turned the massaging of facial oil in to my skin into such a habit that I would feel lost without it. It really does work and the results are visible within a few days.
• Body Brush
I have been known to take my Body Brush away on holiday!! I have dry brushed my skin for so many years, and I still love it. I normally do this every morning before getting in the shower. Great for skin tone, the appearance and feel of the skin and such a super boost to the circulation. I only started because I read that Elle Macpherson does it daily……that was 10 years ago….if it’s good enough for Elle……
• 1-2 litres of Water
I do struggle with this one. It’s my aim for turn this into habit for 2016. At work I get there easily, but when at home I tend to forget. Water Water Water…..no more need be written….we all know how good it is.
• A Handful of Spinach & Kale Everyday
I am actually going to do an entire Blog on how sensational Spinach & Kale are for you. Every single day Fenwick and I have a large hand full of each. Obviously, Fenwick’s are a little smaller, but I try and get it into his lunch and supper. Spinach and Kale are the highest super veggies ever……the whole body and skin will be thankful to have these everyday.
• A Handful of Blueberries
Again dear Fenwick is included in this!! Blueberries are little balls of powerful goodness. I use the Waitrose Essential frozen blueberries, and either add a large handful to porridge, puddings, or smoothies. Here’s why:
– Highest antioxidant level in any fruit or veg
This helps to combat the free radical damage to cells and DNA. Which basically means it slows down ageing!!
– Strong bones & Teeth
Full to the brim of iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, zin, Vit K and Vit C. This helps to build and maintain strong bones (one of the reasons Fenwick has them).
– High Fibre and Low Sodium Levels
Help to lower blood pressure and balance blood sugars.
– Prevents Heart Disease
High fibre, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6.
– Prevent Cancer
Sky high levels of antioxidants have been proven to help prevent inflammation and slow down & prevent tumours.
– Constipation
The fibre in the skin really does help keep a healthy gut and digestive system! Which in turn help flush toxins away and help the skin glow.
High vitamin C levels help with the production of collagen, so in turn the skin is smoother, softer and lines decrease.
However, please note……although Fenwick has a little handful a day, I still have yet to find any magical washing powder to remove the stains these berries cause….many an outfit has been ruined in the quest for health!!
• Limit my Coffee to One Cup
I could drink coffee all day!! However, I now just have one full caffeinated lovely coffee in the morning. I look forward to it (ideally in peace and quiet!) and drink it slowly. After that it’s herbal teas or decaffeinated. Caffeine dehydrates the body as so in turn dehydrates the skin, and over times increases the lines and wrinkles. Why are all lovely things bad for us?!?!
• Eat 3 Balanced Healthy Meals (& 2 snacks)
To be fair I have always done this, but I have made a point to never miss a meal or snack and to make sure they have a balanced level of proteins, fats & carbohydrates. I don’t’ count calories (I haven’t time to even begin with that fad) and I don’t excluded food groups. Clean healthy food will never make you fat, it’s the junk food and yoyo dieting that does. Keeping the blood sugar constantly balanced throughout the day prevents the increase of insulin in the body and so helps keep hormones level. Vital for good skin and happy mind.
• Keep Away from Bad Energy
This may seem a bit of a wishy washy one, but Stress is the Disease of Modern Life. Stress is also one of the biggest killers, causes of illness, depression and ageing. Only surrounding myself with kind, positive and supportive people really has and does lower my stress levels. I am so lucky at work to have the most wonderful clients. At times in my life I truly don’t know what I would have done without them. Even Fenwick’s life has been touched by the kindness of my clients and friends. His world revolves around his ‘doggie’ that was so kindly given to him. He would be lost without it and I would be lost without lovely people in my life. The saying:
‘Only Surround Yourself With Radiators Not Drains’
This is something I now stick to. Unless your life is made better by someone/something being in it, then it is probably best to remove them and the situation from your life. We all have stress in our lives, work, home etc but by removing stress where you can and letting go of things that do you no good, really is good for the skin, soul and health.
Even as I write this I know it may appear that I have some serious habits!! I also have the same amount of time as everyone else. I have done all (or at least attempted) of the above for years before having a baby and have carried on since Fenwick. I think it’s a case of priorities, yes I love glowing healthy skin, but more than that I love how all of the above make me feel. I like feeling physically strong, healthy and nourished. Putting the effort and time into a few (or all of the above) makes me really happy. I have learnt over the years that we are all more than just mothers, wives, girlfriends and our jobs……no one else will do it for you, you have to put yourself first. To Glow from the inside out is really about taking up a few little things this year for you. Even if it’s one thing, before you know it you’ll feel the benefits and within a month it’ll be such a habit that you will never stop. That is why Massage, Facials and most beauty treatments really come into their own…….it’s spending a little bit of time on yourself, away from everyday life.
I wish everyone the Happiest New Year and a wonderful 2016. Here’s to a Glowing Beautiful Skin in 2016 and a handful of spinach!!
Victoria xx
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